Sophie on “Monday Afternoon Classics with Gandalf” / WJFF Radio / N.Y,USA

For those of you who missed March 25´s radio show with Sophie on “Monday Afternoon Classics with Gandalf” / WJFF radio, please click for Monday Afternoon Classics with Gandalf / WJFF.

Additionally, there was a show on November 7, 2011 – podcast below, divided into 7 tracks:

“A true renaissance woman …..Sophie´s singing is really post-modern jazz style, while the instrumental accompaniment is post-modern classical.” – Robert “Gandalf” Rosengard.

Listen to Mp3 version of podcast on tracks below (divided into 7 tracks):

01 Gandalf 11_Track 01 02 Gandalf 11_Track 02 1 03 Gandalf 11_Track 03 04 Gandalf 11_Track 04 1 05 Gandalf 11_Track 05 06 Gandalf 11_Track 06 1 & 08 Gandalf 11_Track 08 1